CC-Webinar.Live sponsored by Sparkle & Juniper - CC-TIS 2022 Rome 14th September 2022
Executive Round-table Panel Discussion Session // Topic: Wholesale Industry in a Data-Hungry Age - Challenges and opportunities
CC-Webinar.Live sponsored by CC - CIS 2022 GCCM Almaty 5th September 2022
Executive Round-table Panel Discussions Session // Topic: Telecom Wholesale Industry in the Digital Transformation Era
CC-Webinar.Live sponsored by iBasis - CC-MOBILE MESSAGING SUMMIT 22 June 2022
Discussion & Knowledge Sharing Session sponsored by iBasis // Topic: Messaging Market today and Tomorrow. Capitalising on the APIs
CC-Webinar.Live sponsored by OTEGLOBE - CC-Mobile Messaging Summit 23rd June 2022
Executive Round-table Panel Discussions Session - sponsored by OTEGLOBE // Topic: RCS Messaging - latest developments and new opportunities for the messaging operators
CC-Webinar.Live sponsored by Bankai - CC-MOBILE MESSAGING SUMMIT 23rd June 2022
Executive Round-table Panel Discussions Session sponsored by Bankai Group // Topic: Building Blocks of Mobile Wholesale
CC-Webinar.Live - CC-MOBILE MESSAGING SUMMIT 22nd June 2022
Discussion & Knowledge Sharing Session sponsored by Carrier Community // Topic: Enterprise 5G & Cybersecurity at the Forefront
Discussion & Knowledge Sharing Session sponsored by Carrier Community // Topic: Enterprise 5G & Cybersecurity at the Forefront
Discussion & Knowledge Sharing Session sponsored by Deutsche Telekom and Ciena // Topic: How to interconnect now and in the future - which choice and new standards do we have?
Discussion & Knowledge Sharing Session sponsored by Deutsche Telekom and Ciena // Topic: How to interconnect now and in the future - which choice and new standards do we have?
Discussion & Knowledge Sharing Session sponsored by China Mobile International // Topic: How can Enterprises capitalise on Cloud and IoT investments?
Discussion & Knowledge Sharing Session sponsored by China Mobile International // Topic: How can Enterprises capitalise on Cloud and IoT investments?
Discussion & Knowledge Sharing Session sponsored by Infinera // Topic: Service Provider Strategies for SD-WAN & SASE Services Catering to SMBs & Large Enterprises
Discussion & Knowledge Sharing Session sponsored by Infinera // Topic: Service Provider Strategies for SD-WAN & SASE Services Catering to SMBs & Large Enterprises
Discussion & Knowledge Sharing Session sponsored by Infinera // Topic: Network as platform: Rethinking networking for the Enterprise
Discussion & Knowledge Sharing Session sponsored by Infinera // Topic: Network as platform: Rethinking networking for the Enterprise
Discussion & Knowledge Sharing Session sponsored by IPB // Topic: How can Datacenter and Internet Xchange Providers’ new business models help to meet cables current and future digital demand?
Discussion & Knowledge Sharing Session sponsored by IPB // Topic: How can Datacenter and Internet Xchange Providers’ new business models help to meet cables current and future digital demand?
CC-Webinar.Live 9 June 2022- sponsored by Enxoo
Discussion & Knowledge Sharing Session sponsored by Enxoo // Topic: Telco Digital Transformation - How to Avoid Major Mistakes
Discussion & Knowledge Sharing Session sponsored by EllaLink // Topic: ISPs future connectivity and digital demand
Discussion & Knowledge Sharing Session sponsored by EllaLink // Topic: ISPs future connectivity and digital demand
Discussion & Knowledge Sharing Session sponsored by aicep Global Parques // Topic: The role of Datacenters to meet future demand.
Discussion & Knowledge Sharing Session sponsored by Omantel // Topic: How submarine cables support the digital transformation trend?
Discussion & Knowledge Sharing Session sponsored by Equinix // Topic: New Business Models and Investment Strategies to meet cables future digital demand
Telin Insights powered by CC-Webinar.Live // 24 May 2022
CC-Webinar.Live 7 April 2022- sponsored by HAUD
Discussion & Knowledge Sharing Session sponsored by HAUD // Topic: Waking the Sleeping Giant - What’s Next For A2P, and How Can MNO’s Use This Channel More Effectively to Supercharge Their Revenue
CC-Webinar.Live LONDON GCCM 15 March 2022 - sponsored by XConnect
Discussion & Knowledge Sharing Session sponsored by XConnect // Topic: Messaging Platforms & Tools - New Trends & Challenges
CC-Webinar.Live 15 March 2022- sponsored by Horisen
Discussion & Knowledge Sharing Session sponsored by Horisen // Topic: The Role of Women in the Tech Industry Today and Tomorrow
CC-Webinar.Live LONDON GCCM 15 March 2022 - sponsored by OTEGLOBE
Discussion & Knowledge Sharing Session sponsored by OTEGLOBE // Topic: New Business Models to meet cables future digital demand and the role of Datacenters in the region to meet future demand
CC-Webinar.Live CC-IoT SUMMIT 14 March 2022 - sponsored by China Mobile International
Discussion & Knowledge Sharing Session sponsored by China Mobile International // Topic: Latest IOT Technological Innovation and Development meeting Enterprise market challenges and opportunities?
CC-Webinar.Live 14 March 2022- sponsored by Carrier Community
Discussion & Knowledge Sharing Session sponsored by Carrier Community // Topic: Monetizing IoT Globally: Mapping the Journey from IoT Roaming to Revenue Growth
CC-Webinar.Live LONDON GCCM 14 March 2022 - sponsored by Enxoo
Discussion & Knowledge Sharing Session sponsored by Enxoo // Topic: Wholesale telco industry in the digital transformation era - challenges and opportunities. Interoperability and interworking in the era of on-demand services
CC-Webinar.Live CC-IoT SUMMIT 14 March 2022 - sponsored by China Mobile International
Discussion & Knowledge Sharing Session sponsored by China Mobile International Topic: How IOT players are addressing the demand for global IOT connectivity?
CC-Webinar.Live 8 December 2021- sponsored by iBASIS
Discussion & Knowledge Sharing Session sponsored by iBASIS // Topic: Messaging Market trends in 2021
CC-Webinar.Live 8 December 2021- sponsored by Accedian
Discussion & Knowledge Sharing Session sponsored by Accedian // Topic: Wholesale Industry in a data hungry age - Challenges and opportunities
CC-Webinar.Live 7 December 2021- sponsored by GoldConnect
Discussion & Knowledge Sharing Session sponsored by GoldConnect // Topic: The role of Datacenters in the region to meet current and future demand and Financing of Green Datacenters
CC-Webinar.Live 7 December 2021- sponsored by Seaborn
Discussion & Knowledge Sharing Session sponsored by Seaborn // Topic: New Business Models to meet cables and ISPs future connectivity and digital demand
CC-Webinar.Live 30 November 2021- sponsored by Telefonica Global Solutions
Discussion & Knowledge Sharing Session sponsored by Telefonica Global Solutions // Topic: Telecom Wholesale Industry in the Digital Transformation Era
CC-Webinar.Live 17 November 2021- sponsored by Telin
Discussion & Knowledge Sharing Session sponsored by Telin // Topic: Gamechanger. Digital Transformation of Voice, SMS, Virtual Numbers landscape
CC-Webinar.Live 16 November 2021- sponsored by CC
Discussion & Knowledge Sharing Session sponsored by CC // Topic: Messaging Platforms - The Urgent Adaption to the New Messaging Wholesale or Retail, OMNI or CPaaS, the need for a vast reshaping of the Messaging Platforms, is a real must for our entire industry. New media have changed completely the Business Messaging and P2A seems to grown more than ever
CC-Webinar.Live 17 November 2021- sponsored by CC
Discussion & Knowledge Sharing Session sponsored by CC // Topic: New Business Models and Investment Strategies to meet cables future digital demand
CC-Webinar.Live 17 November 2021- sponsored by Enxoo
Discussion & Knowledge Sharing Session sponsored by Enxoo // Topic: Wholesale Industry in the Digital Age. New Business Models around Cloud for Service Providers
CC-Webinar.Live 16 November 2021- sponsored by Bankai Group
Discussion & Knowledge Sharing Session sponsored by Bankai // Topic: The Role of Women in the Tech Industry Today and Tomorrow
CC-Webinar.Live 16 November 2021- sponsored by Omantel
Discussion & Knowledge Sharing Session sponsored by Omantel // Topic: The role of Datacenters in the region to meet future demand and Green Data Centers financing
CC-Webinar.Live 16 November 2021- sponsored by Equinix
Discussion & Knowledge Sharing Session sponsored by Equinix// Topic: What is the Role and Value of Peering in the Middle East?
CC-Webinar.Live 04 October 2021- sponsored by Bankai Group
CC-Webinar.Live 30 September 2021- sponsored by Sparkle
Discussion & Knowledge Sharing Session sponsored by Sparkle // Topic: How submarine cables support the digital transformation trend?
CC-Webinar.Live 29 September 2021- sponsored by Sparkle
Discussion & Knowledge Sharing Session sponsored by Sparkle // Topic: Wholesale Industry in a data hungry age - Challenges and opportunities
CC-Webinar.Live 30 September 2021- sponsored by Seaborn
Discussion & Knowledge Sharing Session sponsored by Seaborn // Topic: New Business Models to meet cables and ISPs future connectivity and digital demand
CC-Webinar.Live 30 September 2021- sponsored by Carrier Community
Discussion & Knowledge Sharing Session sponsored by Carrier Community // Topic: Cybersecurity at the Forefront
CC-Webinar.Live 29 September 2021- sponsored by Carrier Community
Discussion & Knowledge Sharing Session sponsored by Carrier Community // Topic: Data Centers At the Forefront of the Vision of a Data-driven World
CC-Webinar.Live 29 September 2021- sponsored by Carrier Community
Discussion & Knowledge Sharing Session sponsored by Carrier Community // Topic: How will 5G change wholesale industry today and tomorrow? The Wait is Over, Understanding the Impact on our business and life from both positive and negative sides.
CC-Webinar.Live 29 September 2021- sponsored by AMSIX
Discussion & Knowledge Sharing Session sponsored by AMSIX // Topic: Internet Exchanges and neutral colocation
CC-Webinar.Live 15 September 2021- sponsored by GTT
Discussion & Knowledge Sharing Session sponsored by GTT // Topic: How to Improve Your IP Traffic Performance and Security: Key Trends, Challenges and Strategies
CC-Webinar.Live 01 September 2021- sponsored by China Unicom
Discussion & Knowledge Sharing Session sponsored by China Unicom // Topic: Cybersecurity at the Forefront
CC-Webinar.Live 01 September 2021- sponsored by China Mobile International
Discussion & Knowledge Sharing Session sponsored by China Mobile International // Topic: The real needs of nowadays
retail messaging
CC-Webinar.Live 03 September 2021- sponsored by DC Connect
CC-Webinar.Live 03 September 2021- sponsored by Expereo
CC-Webinar.Live 02 September 2021- sponsored by NewTelco
CC-Webinar.Live 02 September 2021- sponsored by Infobip
CC-Webinar.Live 01 September 2021- sponsored by Alaris
CC-Webinar.Live 01 September 2021- sponsored by Gamma
CC-Webinar.Live 01 September 2021- sponsored by Ibasis
Discussion & Knowledge Sharing Session sponsored by Ibasis // Topic: Messaging Market today and Tomorrow. Capitalising on the API
CC-Webinar.Live 02 September 2021- sponsored by Telefónica
Discussion & Knowledge Sharing Session sponsored by Telefónica // Topic: Building Blocks of Mobile Wholesale
CC-Webinar.Live 21 July by Haud
Discussion & Knowledge Sharing Session sponsored by Haud // Topic: Can you keep PACE? Driving A2P revenue growth starts with protecting your subscribers and clients // 13 July by Telefónica
Discussion & Knowledge Sharing Session sponsored by Telefónica// Topic: Data centres with the end in mind: how operators are responding to calls for a more sustainable way of building and operating data centres // 13 July by Eastern Communication
Discussion & Knowledge Sharing Session sponsored by Eastern Communication// Topic: Cybersecurity at the Forefront // 30 June by Equinix & Omantel
Discussion & Knowledge Sharing Session sponsored by Equinix & Omantel// Topic: Digital Corridors: Why the Middle East Is A Growing Hotspot for Digital Exchange – spotlight on Muscat // 24 June by Enxoo
Discussion & Knowledge Sharing Session sponsored by Enxoo// Topic: Wholesale Industry in a data hungry age - Challenges and opportunities // 24 June by Ibasis
Discussion & Knowledge Sharing Session sponsored by Ibasis/ Topic: The Future Evolution of Mobile Wholesale & Building Blocks of Mobile Wholesale // 24 June by 26FIVE
Discussion & Knowledge Sharing Session sponsored by 26FIVE// Topic: The Role of Women in the Tech Industry Today and Tomorrow // 24 June by Telefónica
Discussion & Knowledge Sharing Session sponsored by Telefónica// Topic: Messaging Market trends in 2021 // 22 June by Enxoo
Discussion & Knowledge Sharing Session sponsored by Enxoo // Topic: Telecom Industry in the digital age – how unifying sales experience can drive telecom operators efficiency // 24 June by Batelco
Discussion & Knowledge Sharing Session sponsored by Batelco// Topic: New Business Models to meet cables future digital demand and the role of Datacenters in the region to meet future demand // 25 June by Orange
Discussion & Knowledge Sharing Session sponsored by Orange // Topic: The latest in wholesale data connectivity to support the corporate market needs // 10 June 2021 by Telin
Discussion & Knowledge Sharing Session sponsored by Telin // Topic: Wholesale Industry in a Data Hungry Age - Challenges and opportunities. // 09 June 2021
Discussion & Knowledge Sharing Session sponsored by Digitalk // Topic: Why real-time isn’t real enough – introducing “real” real-time from Digitalk // 08 June 2021
Discussion & Knowledge Sharing Session sponsored by China Mobile International // Topic: New Business Models to meet cables future digital demand and the role of Datacenters in the region to meet future demand // 07 June 2021
Discussion & Knowledge Sharing Session sponsored by Deutsche Telekom // Topic: 5G SA Roaming: Challenges and Solutions
CC-Webinar.Live // 17 May 2021
Discussion & Knowledge Sharing Session sponsored by Amartus // Topic: The Perfect Storm - The opportunity for Inter-Provider Service disruption
CC-Webinar.Live 10 May 2021
Discussion & Knowledge Sharing Session sponsored by RealNetworks // Topic: KONTXT by RealNetworks: How human & machine language converge to aid and affect technology
CC-Webinar.Live // 5 May 2021
Discussion & Knowledge Sharing Session sponsored by Lanck Telecom //
Topic: How do operators face the increasing threat of fraud in the wholesale business?
WEBINAR - iBasis and Oculeus
Webinar: Industry Innovations & Advancements in Fighting International Telecom Fraud
CC-Webinar.Live // 5 May 2021
Discussion & Knowledge Sharing Session sponsored by Expereo //
Topic: Digital Transformation and building new technologies, structures and business models. Leveraging Data for Competitive Advantage. Seeking New Opportunities - identifying business models through Data
CC-Webinar.Live // 13 April 2021
Keynote Presentation and Q&A Session sponsored by HAUD //
Topic: How operators are bleeding A2P revenues from tech giants: A data-driven investigation
CC-Webinar.Live // 12 April 2021
Discussion & Knowledge Sharing Session sponsored by China Mobile International //
Topic: How can Enterprises and Telcos capitalise on IoT investments?
Telin Insights powered by CC-Webinar.Live // 18 March 2021
Panel Discussions & Knowledge Session sponsored by TELIN //
Topic: New Business Models to meet cables and ISPs Future Connectivity & Digital Demand
CC-Webinar.Live // 10 March 2021
Discussion & Knowledge Sharing Session sponsored by Expereo //
Topic: Network as a platform: Rethinking network business models for the digital future.
CC-Webinar.Live // 9 December 2020
Discussion & Knowledge Sharing Session sponsored by 26FIVE GLOBAL LAB //
Topic: The Role of Women in the Tech Industry Today and Tomorrow
CC-Webinar.Live // 03 December
Panel Discussions & Knowledge Session sponsored by TELIN //
Topic: Wholesale Industry in the Digital Age. Innovating legacy business with connectivity marketplace
CC-Webinar.Live // 26 November 2020
Discussion & Knowledge Sharing Session sponsored by Telefónica Global Solutions //
Topic: 5G ROAMING - Evolving your connectivity and VAS to succeed in the 'new future'
CC-Webinar.Live 25th November 2020
Discussion & Knowledge Sharing Session sponsored by Equinix and Omantel //
Topic: The role of Datacenters in the region - Current datacenter landscape
CC-Webinar.Live 12 November 2020
Panel Discussions & Knowledge Session sponsored by TELIN // Topic: The Future of Trans Pacific Connectivity
CC-Webinar.Live 2nd November 2020
Discussion & Knowledge Sharing Session sponsored by Rostelecom //
Topic: New Projects and Business Models to meet cables future digital demand Future consumption trends of bandwidth hungry consumers 28 October 2020
Discussion & Knowledge Sharing Session sponsored by Nobel //
Topic: How do operators face the increasing threat of fraud in wholesale business? 27 October 2020
Discussion & Knowledge Sharing Session sponsored by Docomo //
Topic: Unlocking the carrier digital services opportunity 06.10.2020
Panel Discussion & knowledge sharing session // Topic: New Business Models to meet cables, future connectivity and digital demand 29.08.2020
Panel Discussion & knowledge sharing session sponsored by Expereo and Enxoo // Topic: Cloud-Based Technology: Understanding the Fundamental Shift and What it Means to Business 29.08.2020
Panel Discussion & knowledge sharing session hosted by Sparkle // Topic: Cybersecurity at the Forefront 28.09.2020
Panel Discussion & knowledge sharing session hosted by Sparkle // Topic: Data Centers At the Forefront of the Vision of a Data-driven World 28.09.2020
Panel Discussion & knowledge sharing session sponsored by Sparkle // Topic: How submarine cables support the digital transformation trend? 28.09.2020
Panel Discussion & knowledge sharing session sponsored by Irideos // Topic: Internet Exchanges and neutral colocation
Panel Discussions & Knowledge Session Sponsored by: Telefonica // Telco Mobile, Roaming Industry and the Digital Era
Panel Discussions & Knowledge Session sponsored by Infobip. Topic: RCS Messaging - latest developments and new opportunities for the messaging operators
Panel Discussions & Knowledge Session sponsored by iBasis //
Topic: Latest Technological Innovation and Development in the Messaging landscape.
Panel Discussions & Knowledge Session sponsored by Alaris Labs //
Topic: The real needs of nowadays retail messaging
Panel Discussions & Knowledge Session sponsored by Twillio //
Topic: Messaging Market today and Tomorrow. Capitalising on the API opportunities
Panel Discussions & Knowledge Session sponsored by Deutsche Telekom.
Topic: Wholesale Industry in the Digital Age – Challenges and opportunities emerging from data hungry products and services
Panel Discussions & Knowledge Session sponsored by IPB //
Topic: New Business Models to meet cables future digital demand and the role of Datacenters and internet xchanges providers in the region to meet future demand.
Panel Discussions & Knowledge Session sponsored by Telecall //
Topic: Building Blocks of Mobile Wholesale.
Executive Round-table Panel Discussions Session // Topic: Digital Transformation and building new technologies, structures and business models.
Panel Discussions & Knowledge Session sponsored by Expereo
Topic: Digital transformation. Building new technologies, structures and models. How next Generation 5G Networks & Software defined technologies reshaping industry changing networks?
Panel Discussions & Knowledge Session sponsored by Telefónica
Topic: The Messaging Market today and Tomorrow. Capitalising on the API opportunities
Wholesale Industry in a data hungry age - Challenges and opportunities.
Key Note Presentation “The need for next generation security with 5G networks” by Melvin de Jonge, Senior Product Manager at SPARKLE
Panel Discussions & Knowledge Session sponsored by Brodynt Global Services
Topic: Is COVID really an evolution or a revolution in the Telecom industry? What is coming after this pandemic?
Building Blocks of Mobile Wholesale -
Panel Discussions & Knowledge Sharing Session sponsored by Orange
The role of Datacenters and internet Xchanges providers in the region and globally to meet future demand. Webinar's supporting partner: IRIDEOS
Keynote Speaker: Andreas Constantinides,
Presentation Topic: What’s Up with WhatsApp?
Panel Session topic: Messaging Market trends in 2020. Webinar sponsored by GTC
Latest Technological Innovation and Development in the Messaging landscape